Selection Process



Selection is the process of identifying the appropriate candidate as per organizational goals.

The selection is the process of finding the right person for the right job at the right time. The process differs in different organizations and their departments. 

The selection process demands more care as a wrong decision in hiring can adversely affect the whole ecosystem.

Selection plays a significant role. The selection process is a necessary step in creating a healthy work environment for current as well as new employees.

Selection Process

Identifying the need:

This step could be considered step 0 as it is not the first step of the process, but it creates the need and motivates the organizations to open a job position.

Announcement of the job:

It is the first step in the process of selection. Companies announce job boards, newspapers, or different forms of advertisement methods that they need an employee. The main motive of the announcement is to make people aware of the job position. The announcement should be clear in its tone. It should show what they are expecting from the employees. The announcement should have a description of the organization, skills & qualifications required for the jobs, and the process candidates need to follow to apply for the job.

Receiving the Applications:

Now the announcement is live and, candidates are well aware of the job, it is time to receive the applications. Organizations may get a large number of applications as there could be a lot of candidates interested in the job profile. Organizations should direct the candidates to send their resumes to a single address to make things easier. 

Examination of the applications

The next step is to examine the applications to have a smaller list of candidates. This step is valuable as even if the organization has specified the qualifications and requirements, people will apply for the job. The examination is based on the set parameters by the organization. These set parameters could be experience, education, location, skills, and many more factors that can influence the decision of the organization.

Testing the candidates

This step is important to understand the skills of the candidates. These tests could be the aptitude test or a real-life simulation situation for them to solve. These tests can examine the analytical thinking of the candidate and show their dynamic approach toward the work.

These tests give an idea of the candidates’ capabilities and strengths.


It is the next step similar to the previous one to evaluate the candidates’ ability but in detail. It is the test of a candidate’s skills and capability to be best suited for the job. It is face-to-face interaction based on a holistic approach. An interview works both ways. It shows the suitability of a candidate for an organization. On the other hand, it is used as a tool to educate the candidate about the job.

Background Check:

It is one of the most valuable steps as it shows the nature and capabilities of a potential candidate from a third-person perspective. An organization conducts a background check to know the candidate they are presenting to be. Sometimes it also verifies the claims made by the candidate. The background verification can be done by reaching out:

  • To the person who referred him to the organization
  • To the school or college, the candidate went to study
  • To their family or neighbors

Medical Test:

This step is also crucial as it suggests that if the candidate applied for the job is physically and mentally fit or not. Some of the jobs come with the need to be on top of the game to fulfill them properly. The medical test helps the organization reduce employee turnover because of such situations.

Letter of appointment:

Organizations assign jobs to the candidates selected in the previous process.

The letter of appointment states the job profile, description, salary structure, agreement, and everything related and required to be known by the candidate for the job.

It involves matching the person’s ability to a specific job. Companies even rectify their mistakes during the distribution of the letter of appointment.

Letter of appointment is something companies handle with the utmost attention. The wrongly placed employee can be dissatisfied. It is not a good sign for the organization.