Essentials of Training



Training is one of the initial steps in the process of personal development.

It prepares the new employees for the job and helps upgrade the current employees with the changing times.

Training is a costly process, but companies spend a hefty amount on this expense but can act as an investment as the people getting trained can prove to be a helpful asset for the company.

Objectives of training:

Whenever an organization hires their employees, they have a set of objectives that they want their employees to perform. These objectives resonate with the goals of the organization.
Once an organization is ready with well-defined objectives, they need to communicate them to their employees(trainees).

It is helpful for the organization if they are open with the questions and queries from the training as it brings more clarity to the whole process.

There are some points which an organization needs to Remember while creating and conveying the objective.

  1. The performance-based objective is the goal for an organization.
  2. There is no room for misinformation.
  3. The learning process is the duty of the trainees.
  4. The organization needs to conduct training in an action-oriented manner.
  5. Measurable results of the orientation are helpful.

Elements of Objectives:

The Elements of objectives are:

  1. Specific Objectives
  2. Measurable Objectives
  3. Achievable Objectives
  4. Relevant Objectives
  5. Time-bound Objectives

Specific Objectives:

Specific objectives are goal-oriented objectives.

An organization makes these objectives to fulfill a specified goal/ need.

These objectives are pretty straightforward as it explains what trainees need to learn from the program and how to implement it in their work tenure.

The purpose of these kinds of objectives is to provide clarity and direction. It defines the role of each individual in such a way that there is no possibility of misinformation.

It aligns with the measurable and achievable goal.

It is best suited for the optimum allocation of resources. The goal is so specific that it is easy to identify the problem and its solution.

Measurable Objectives:

Training and development of the employees are measured objectively, but it is not possible to measure every aspect of it.

Areas like knowledge and skills are easily measurable, whereas communication skills, behavioral skills, attitude, values, and judgment are not easily measured. It is required to measure them subjectively.

Achievable Objectives:

Companies set targets to achieve goals. Goal setting can be a crucial part of an organization as an organization that is not efficient in goal setting faces severe repercussions.

When an organization is setting up their achievable goals, they need to be as realistic as possible.
Smoothly achievable objectives are generally with lesser learning and experience.

Objectives that are too big Can be frightening to the employees, which leads to impracticable results.

Organizations should look forward to breaking down these big goals into smaller tasks as easy wins always motivate the employees and Organisation to achieve these goals efficiently.

Relevant objectives: 

The organization should ensure that the material and resources used in the training of the trainees should be relevant to the training program.

There are times when a material is favorable toward the organization and training. The organization should check the relevance of that material before including that in the program.

Time-bound Objectives:

Time-bound objectives are crucial at the initial stage.

It is a difficult task to perform with the new training material as the tenure of the program can only be a calculated guess.
Time bounding is best suited for the inclusion of certain items in the ongoing course.

It is beneficial to perform it.

Advantages of training objectives:

  • It helps to ensure that the appropriate amount of training is available for the trainees. 
  • It provides the environment program content it helps to maintain the time efficiency of the program.
  • It helps to convey a clear message to the training, which avoids hindrance in the learning process of the learners.
  • It helps to design the whole program, Which is helpful towards the organization with the course blueprint.
  • It clears the expectation from the organization as well as the trainees.
  • It provides the base for the evaluation of the whole program. It determines the achievability of the said program.
  • It provides quantitative measures which can be helpful in the future for any revisions.