Need for development effectiveness

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Training is a significant part of human resource development. Employees need the training to know about the working mechanism, job profile, and organization. 

Training programs help teach the trainees the skills required to do the job. The regular flow of training helps to achieve the goal more efficiently.

Training effectiveness is the process that happens throughout the program. The outcome refers to the source for evaluation of the training program.

It may be ineffective if the employee is hesitant towards the learning process. Motivation is necessary for the effectiveness of the training as it acts as fuel for both the employees and the organization.

Need of the training effectiveness:

Training effectiveness is necessary. It is crucial to have these points intact to measure the effectiveness of any training program

  • Trainees need to learn 
  • Motivation is important
  • Trainees understood the content and motive of the training program.
  • Trainees apply the content of the program to the job.

A solid training program is a way to achieve success, but it is not

the sole reason behind the completion of the program.

Trainees’ attitude, understanding, willingness to learn are some of the factors that are needed to have a successful run.

Factors for effective training:

Every organization has a training department. Some organizations use their training as the USP of their organization, while others consider it the primary stage of the workflow.

Organizations conduct various audits to examine the effectiveness of the different departments. It is necessary to know the current situation. In the same way, it is crucial to have an eye on the effectiveness of training to use it as the standard for future evaluation.

Organization’s Commitment:

An organization committed to the training program of employees always excels in this test of the efficient training program. Top management should show interest in the training program by adding valuable inputs to have a greater output. Training is an expense that can be treated as an investment if approached well.

The training program may belong to one department, but it is the responsibility of the organization whole to make things work.

Motivation for the trainers:

Trainers are the ones who organize, execute and implement the training program. They sometimes feel demotivated, as it is not a very reward-driven job.

If the trainer is not motivated, it is less likely that they could execute the whole training process efficiently.

Organizations should acknowledge the need for the training.

Employees taking up the post in the training department should have an incentive or reward as the motivating factor to carry out the process.


Quality is yet another aspect of training that is necessary for an effective training program. Generally, organizations thrive on numbers-backed data to consider the training program to be a success, which is not always true. The quality of the program should create a balance between quantitative and qualitative measures to have a smooth run and desired results.


Learning plays a significant role in the training process. 

Two things are required in the trainees to understand the training program

  1. Ability
  2. Willingness

Ability to understand and willingness to learn new things help the trainee through the training program. Organizations understand that there is no need to send an unwilling candidate to the training program as wastage of resources. 

Training Staff:

Competent training staff is the heart of any training program.

If the training staff is not up to the mark, the training program will suffer and lead to adverse results.

Organizations should handle the process of hiring the faculty of the training program with utmost care. Responsibility to conduct the training program comes with the need for expertise in the subject matter.

The Person or a group of faculty hired by the organization should have professional knowledge and skillset to undertake the process of the training program.

Innovative Methods:

Training may sometimes feel monotonous as the methods used in these programs are generally the same. Conventional modes of training are the tried and tested formula with which a company can not go wrong. It is equally important to try out new things to make the program more exciting and engaging for the trainees, which helps them in the learning process.

The training department needs to work out a way to introduce innovation in the content of the training to make it look more appealing.

Importance of a training program:

Companies set targets to achieve goals. Goal setting can be a crucial part of an organization as an organization that is not efficient in goal setting faces severe repercussions.

When an organization is setting up their achievable goals, they need to be as realistic as possible.

Smoothly achievable objectives are generally with lesser learning and experience.

Objectives that are too big Can be frightening to the employees, which leads to impracticable results.

Organizations should look forward to breaking down these big goals into smaller tasks as easy wins always motivate the employees and Organisation to achieve these goals efficiently.