Ordering Requirement


The ordering requirement management is the right amount of material employed in the organization. Exorbitant ordering of materials to avoid shortfalls or insufficient ordering of inventory to avoid the stoppage of the cash flow is not the perfect situation.

Demand for the material makes it a costly affair. Management should handle ordering requirements properly to avoid the wastage of stocks and money.

When the company is not heavily investing in order of materials, it increases the profits.

Smooth management contributes to the high quality of the end product.

It negotiates at the least possible prices.

It contributes to the optimum utilization of the organization’s capital.

It manages the requirement of the inventory in the organization.

It contributes to having a good reputation among the suppliers.

Material management helps in the storage of the inadequate product for future use.  

It negotiates at the least possible prices.

It contributes to the optimum utilization of the organization’s capital.

It manages the requirement of the inventory in the organization.

It contributes to having a good reputation among the suppliers.


Ordering requirement management is important as companies invest a huge sum in the purchase of materials. The requirement/need of ordering the material starts from the requirement of the material to purchasing and managing it. 

Most of the time materially contributes as the necessary item to the different processes. Batteries used in the remote from an electronics shop are not a necessity, but their absence can affect their sales experience.

Purchasing department

Purchasing is one of the most important aspects of an organization as an organization can’t fulfill the whole raw material need internally. Purchase of required raw material or tools seems to be the most reliable option in such situations. Sometimes, companies get a better deal by purchasing it from the external market.

The importance of purchasing is out to test with the selection of raw material to make it into finished goods. The quality of the raw material is crucial for the organization to have properly finished goods.

Receiving department

The responsibility of the receiving department is to process the incoming shipments of materials. Many firms combine this department with the purchasing department.

Unpacking and quality checking are also some of the many responsibilities of the receiving department.

Raw material inventory department

Inventory is the stock available to the organization in any form and at any stage. Inventory includes raw material, work-in-progress, and finished goods in the supply chain. Inventory levels in the organization depend upon the levels of demand and supply.

Inventory control helps the organization to analyze and meet the inventory cost and requirements.

Inventory control provides a clear idea of how much stock is needed in the business currently and how much should be the turnover period.

Inventory control could be different for different departments of an organization.

In the same organization, factories need to maintain the stocks of raw materials while the showroom needs to keep the inventory of finished goods produced by the factory.

Production department

The production department manages the complete flow of inventory at the time of production.

Some of the important tasks of the production department are:

  • Monitoring the flow of work-in-progress throughout the process
  • Identifying and omitting the production deficiencies
  • It helps in computing and adjusting the storage capacity in the organization.