Selling of a product



The business needs to know its business internally and externally. Analyze the competition. What is making their product stand apart from the competition?

Analyze what is in trend in the market. 

If you are selling furniture, the business needs to know about the latest trend in the industry. What is the finest quality of wood in use in the market? What kind of equipment is best suited for your type of product?

Conduct a survey, or have an interview with your customers about their experiences with the business. What do they feel is the best product at your store? Would they care to spread the word about your store in their circle? These conversations will not only give you a broad understanding of the customer’s experience with you, and they will also be your regular customers.

Inspection of strengths and weaknesses, as well as the study of market conditions, helps to understand the selling part. It will not only create new opportunities but will also define your future potential threats.

Try to remain as neutral as possible. It will help you to be honest towards the business, and you can also define stuff truly.


Communication is the key to any successful sales management ever existing or existing. It is unquestionably one of the best practices you can do right now to increase your sales. Exemplary communication perpetually generates a better understanding in the organization.

Communication helps create the entire structure of the product to carry out production. The establishment of the factory, machinery essentials, and personal requirements are some factors creating an impact on the product line.

Flexibility plays a significant role in providing the best possible product to their customers.

Flexibility helps to cater to the audience for their satisfaction.

Customer awareness is the first and foremost thing you should aim for to get the maximum results. 

Economics of an organization:

An organization is operating in this competitive time just to fulfill its dream of being profitable.

To achieve that goal, organizations ought to shorten their costs without running rough on the quality of their product.

There are some expenses on which the manager can have a thought to lower the additional cost. 

Expenditure completely relies upon the essence of the organization. 

Scheduling of a product

Scheduling refers to setting up the process so the work assigned can be completed in the given period. One of the main objectives of scheduling is to provide the best products and services to the customer. 

Scheduling is a medium-level or short-level planning to boost the process. It demands managerial decisions to have a proper workflow. 

In the same organization, factories need to maintain the stocks of raw materials while the showroom needs to keep the inventory of finished goods produced by the factory.

Scheduling is necessary for all types of firms or organizations as it minimizes the delay in the process, which results in a reduction in the delayed cost. Proper scheduling helps in the allocation of resources as per the curated plans.

Scheduling is a process for a short-term period. Companies can’t schedule for a long period without knowing the odds happening in the future. Even though it is prepared for a short period, it gives a competitive advantage to the firm. Short-term scheduling is helpful as it is easy to rectify mistakes in relatively small planning.

Forward Scheduling

Forward scheduling refers to the process where the organization plans for the pathway right at the time of receiving the job. Organization plans for future jobs in advance with the starting and ending dates. Organizations try to allot the earliest time slot possible. As the operations are scheduled to start earlier, there is a possibility of them getting ended soon.

Work-in-progress inventories are always high in such cases.

Backward Scheduling

Backward scheduling is the process of scheduling the work as per its due dates. Organizations schedule the work backward. It helps them to determine the starting date of the operations as per the due date of the assignment.

In this type of schedule, the start and end dates are determined by the slot available. 

The Organizations use both forward and backward scheduling. The forward scheduling is helpful in the estimation of the earliest date possible for the assignment. The backward scheduling is helpful when the estimated date is way before the actual date.