Training Methods

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Organizations are always in need of skilled employees. Organizations spend time, money, and other resources for the selection of the best-suited candidate.

After the appointment of the candidates, training helps the organization to groom its employees.

Training Is a very demanding process As the person selected is new to the organization and needs attention to learn new skills as per the requirement.

Organizations drafts various programs as per the job profile of the employee, which helps them understand their roles.

There are two types of training Methods:

  1. On-the-job Training
  2. Off-the-job Training

On-the-job Training:

On-the-training is one of the most important aspects of training.

The training takes place on the on-the-job, making it more convenient for the company and proved to be a great learning process for the new employee with real-life examples.

A supervisor is assigned the job of mentoring the employees for the best-suited outcomes for the organization.

On-the-job training is a cost-effective process as it is affordable to train only a few selected people.

It also saves a lot of time as the employees are on-the-job and can learn things quickly by observing the work dynamics of the organization.

Off-the-job Training:

Off-the-job training is the process of an employee’s interaction with the company and his roles with the help of a training program.

A training program is a set of different activities like lectures, group discussions, employee participation, video/PowerPoint presentation, which helps the organization create awareness among the employees.

Orientation is a beneficial program, as the organization can bring the most out of their employees, and trainees have a great learning process, which helps them gain a complete understanding of the work dynamics of the organization.

These are some of the off-the-job training methods, which organizations implement:

Lecture:   It is a class-like atmosphere, where an instructor teaches the trainees with the resource material.

These resources hold the materialistic interest of both the organization and employees.

Lectures help the trainees to understand the theoretical aspect of their job with the examples in the past.

Discussion: It is a fun activity as trainees are also part of the whole process.

It helps them to understand the organization and the problems that the organization is facing.

It also enhances their analytical thinking as they contribute their thoughts to the discussion.

It also enhances the relationship between the trainees and the organization as they are collaborating for a common goal.

Simulation Cases:

Simulation exercises can be helpful as it tests and increases the quick understanding and spontaneous decision-making capabilities of the trainee.

These mock-up are inspired by real-life events. It can help to enhance the call to action skill of the employee in a similar situation.

Factors affecting the selection of training methods:


The choice of method largely depends upon the quality of the instructor.

An instructor should be knowledgeable and skillful. The instructor took the responsibility of the training should have enough experience and knowledge about the subject matter.


The trainee who is selected for the job should have the education qualification, age, and some experience to prove his presence. It becomes easy for the organization to draft the best-suited training program.


Objective plays a significant role in framing the end goal of the training program. The selection of instructor, trainee, the source material is dependent upon the objective of the organization.

It resonates with the implementation of knowledge and findings of the training program.

Once an organization is ready with well-defined objectives, they need to communicate them to their employees(trainees).

It is helpful for the organization if they are open with the questions and queries from the training as it brings more clarity to the whole process.

There are some points which an organization needs to Remember while creating and conveying the objective.

The performance-based objective is the goal for an organization.

The margin of error due to misinformation should be neutralized.

The organization needs to conduct training in an action-oriented manner.

Measurable results of the training are helpful.

The goal of the Training Program:

Companies set targets to achieve goals. Goal setting can be a crucial part of an organization as an organization that is not efficient in goal setting faces severe repercussions.

When an organization is setting up their achievable goals, they need to be as realistic as possible.

Smoothly achievable objectives are generally with lesser learning and experience.

Objectives that are too big Can be frightening to the employees, which leads to impracticable results.

Organizations should look forward to breaking down these big goals into smaller tasks as easy wins always motivate the employees and Organisation to achieve these goals efficiently.