Vision Approach



The idea of entering a new market comes with the entrance to a willingness to adopt the strenuous conditions. Several factors can play a significant role in such decisions as a high rate of competition in the domestic market, geographical diversification of risk, or just wanting to pursue the growth endeavor of the company. Reasons for entering the new markets are not restricted to these factors. 

A company has to look forward to various measures while approaching a new market to sell its product to a different audience. Marketing helps the organization to reach out to a new audience. It guides the organization to understand the environment of the market. Organizations always look forward to new audiences through channels of marketing.

Exploring the new market opportunities

Entering the new market comes with the responsibility of analyzing the market condition before entering it. Organizations need to have a complete look at economic stability, Literacy rate, age, preferences, etc.

An organization can enter into these markets through many ways, such as:



Joint Venture

Merger/ Acquisition

These are some of the ways through which an organization can have an entry into the global market.

Market Analysis:

Market Analysis is crucial while approaching the new audience because of the differences in the product using habits. Companies need to adopt different strategies. Firstly, they need to know about the taste and preferences of the audience. A prepared questionnaire can do the work. Organizations can ask the audience about the first impression of their product.

Questions should be away from being personal or to make the people uncomfortable. The same questionnaire can be helpful in a region with a similar language and culture.

Market research plays a significant role for the business as you want to know about the demography of your audience.

 Consumers’ needs are dependent upon the environment.

For instance, a person living in a warmer climate will be more likely to demand an air conditioner than someone living in a colder place.

First of All, target your audience as per their intent, demographic conditions, and resources available.

Market research will not only identify your potential customers but will also identify your competition.

Competition analysis Helps you to identify The dos and don’ts of the market.

Market research and competition analysis will give you enough data to have a look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Promotional Techniques: 

Advertising can be difficult because approaching a different market. A region can interpret an ad in a different way than another region.

The mode of media also tells another story. The mode of media changes with changes in age distribution or geographical conditions. If the company’s targeted audience is between the age group of 15-30, they need to target social media. If the audience is more towards the older generation, chances are, ads running on T.Vs or newspapers can be the best buy for the money.

The area of the audience also plays a significant role as someone living in the rural area, where television is not that prevalent, running ads on the radio seems to be a viable decision.


Pricing depends on many factors, one of them being storage and transportation cost. The increased cost of the product makes the customers hesitant to buy the same product at an extra cost.

To reduce these increased costs, companies have to start compromising either with the features or the build quality. 

Pricing also depends upon the level of competition. To save the market share, companies have to price their product similar to their competitor.

Sales and Distribution:

Selling a product is something for which companies are taking such risks. Selling the product can be different for different regions. In some areas, door-to-door selling is the best option. The sale of the product in a showroom seems to be the perfect way of showcasing their product to the customer.

With the emergence of e-commerce, people are moving towards buying products online. Online became a global marketplace, where anyone can buy anything from anywhere in the world.

Amazon is one such example of online shopping.

A distribution channel is also crucial for an organization. An organization should look for a robust distribution channel.

Opening another manufacturing unit is a viable option when the demand for the product is very high. It also helps to reduce some costs of the company.


Now, the organization has created an efficient product, which can make a difference in the lives of the customer, but nobody is showing up to have a look at your product.

Creating an efficient market strategy will set the organization apart from your competition. The marketing strategy should be something that could resonate with the business.

Marketing strategies should be concise, clear, and engaging with the customers. The audience creates the identity of the brand.

Advertise the product. The first thing the organization needs to do is find ways to increase its product visibility.

If the business is operating at the local level, apply for ads in a local newspaper.

If your advertising budget allows, hire a billboard space.

The best way to get more audience is word of mouth!

Nothing can match this free source of advertising.