Why are the management functions important?


Management of resources is the first and foremost responsibility of a manager. Managers make things done through these resources.

Human resource is one of the most quality resources a manager can have.

They try their best to align individual goals with the organizational goals to get the best out of their skills.

Managers are also keen to develop more and update their skills.

A competent manager knows how to utilize human, non-human resources to achieve these goals.

For managing all these things, managers need a process to handle these resources.

The human resource function helps the manager to provide that pathway.

Some of the challenges in handling the human resource:

  • Each individual has their own set of values and beliefs. These situations can be a reason for dissatisfaction and conflict in the organization.
  • Employees’ interests can be greater than organizational goals. Managers can have a hard time motivating them for the job.
  • Miscommunication and conflict among the employees.

The Human Resource Functions are of two types:

  • Managerial Functions
  • Operative Functions

Managerial Functions:

Planning, Organizing, Staffing. Directing and controlling create an impact on operative functions.

Managerial Functions and Operative Functions have a connection with each other.


It is the process of formulating a future course of action. Planning help determines in advance the pathway and potential changes required to achieve goals.

It helps the manager to identify the resources required. It also helps identify the employee’s goals and needs, which can help frame the motivational plans for employees.


It is the follow-up function of planning.

It is a manager, human and non-human resources working together in a synchronized manner.

Organizing helps in the delegation of authority and allocation of resources. It helps in the optimum utilization of resources.


It is the process of recruitment of eligible human resources for the various positions in an organization.

Managers go through a process to find the best suitable employee for the organization.

Staffing process:

  • Manpower Planning
  • Recruitment
  • Selection
  • Placement
  • Training & Development
  • Remuneration
  • Performance Evaluation of employee
  • Transfer


It is the part of management functions that puts the goals into action. Directing accumulates the above three functions and deploys them to one common goal.

As the name suggests, directing directs the pathway by putting things to action. The manager uses leadership, motivation, communication, etc. It helps to guide the employee.


Now is the time to have the real test of all the hard work the organization had done earlier. Controlling measures and correcting if needed. It ensures that things are working as per the plan. It identifies the deviation and helps in achieving the goal.

After the whole function of Planning-Organizing-Staffing-Directing, the Human Resource Manager performs the various activities to ensure the perfect symmetry between the function and the goals.

Operative Functions:

The operative function of human resource management is the amalgamation of many activities such as employment, development, compensation, and employees relation.

Operative functions of the human resource management functions are:


Employment means the appointment of a suitable candidate with apt knowledge and skills for the job.

Organizations are always in need of these fresh talents with the skills to do the job. Organizations assign the manager to test the skill and knowledge of the potential employees.

Managers follow a function method to review the employee’s caliber for the designated job.

Job Analysis

We have talked about employees’ skills and how a skillful employee is a necessary asset. Employees’ skills should match the requirement of the job.

An organization can have the most skillful personnel with a ton of knowledge, but all this is not useful if they do not comprehend the requirements.

How to do the job analysis?

The process of job analysis is the preparation of:

Job description

Job specification

job requirements

Employee specification

Guides and Plans

Human Resource Planning:

HR Planning is the process of predicting the requirements and availability of human resources. Managers make adjustments and create a balance between the two.

Human Resource Planning is a very calculative job. Now the question arises-

How to have robust Human Resource Planning?

  1. 1 Training & Development of the current employees

with the changing times

  1. 2 Evaluating the present and future personal requirements
  2. 3 Having an alignment between inventory and requirements


Recruitment is the most significant step for any organization. They are hiring the future generation of the organization. The margin of ever should be close to zero.

Managers find different sources of applications. It could be newspapers, magazines, or other ways to announce that we are hiring.

The organization decides on a recruitment procedure on the lines of company goals.


Selection is the process of identifying the appropriate candidate as per organizational goals.

Selection plays a significant role.

There is a whole process attached to it.

Selection Process:

Examination of application forms

Interview the applicants

Salary and Benefits of the Employees

Medical Examination

Informing the candidates about the result

Hire the selected candidate


Organizations assign jobs to the candidates selected in the previous process.

It involves matching the person’s ability to the specific job. Companies even rectify their mistakes during the placement.

Placement is something companies handle with the utmost attention. The wrongly placed employee can be dissatisfied. It is not a good sign for the organization.